History of Guangdong manufacturing
If you are looking for high quality bags,
If you want to save money, save time and get quality service,
You should choose a experienced guangzhou manufactory,Why?
Because Not all “Made in China” is “Made in Guangdong”
“Made in Guangdong” represents high-end manufacturing in China, which means Quality, Technology and Service.
Many China famous brands was born in Guangdong.
Such as Huawei Cell phone, Gree air-conditioning, DJI UAV and FOXCONN.
After 30 years rapid development,Guangdong, Fujian,Zhejiang and Hebei
became 4 main manufacturing bases of luggage & bags in China.
However, Their product and market orientation are totally different,
which lead to different levels of supply chain.
Guangdong Province: combine with Hongkong trading ,
produce high-end luggage & bags for Western Europe and North America customers.
Fujian and Zhejiang Province: mid and low-end luggage & bagsHebei Province: low-end luggage.
Guangzhou Syke travel goods Co.,ltd: Focus on Mid&high-end hiking backpacks,travel packs,sports bags and day packs,
Offer quality OEM and ODM services for domestic and overseas brands.